

Exciting and memorable. Free free free.

Everyone gets excited when the New Year comes around. No, not you? Stop pretending!! No doubt you feel relief, at least, that the previous year has come to an end, and you get to do more, do better, and do new.

As for me, I'm going to do a mix: of old, new, and what's-to-come. But isn't 'new' and 'what's-to-come' the same thing? Not in my books.

I'm keeping my glasses ON. Time to re-focus, re-identify. Words are easy, especially in the blogosphere. I'll come through with things concrete and bound. I'm going to stop pretending now. Stop playing like I 'don't know,' 'I'm not sure,' 'I haven't thought about it yet.' UNLESS I ACTUALLY TRUTHFULLY FEEL THAT WAY, I won't say it.

I know now that it's the littlest things which make the greatest differences. Believe it or not, those wee babies matter.

So keep on, keep on. Do what makes you feel RIGHT; it's your go.

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student.artiste.do-er.believer.let's go.