

Think I've got a new "homebase", much like the ND Drama Room was it for me during high school, right now, for now, it's the Kapisanan Philippine Centre for Arts and Culture at 167 Augusta Ave, in Kensington Market.

I am here, freely using a donated MacBook, for my creative mind to be at peace or something...

(And as I type that, what happens but the most recent piece of awkward walks into the room. Hahahahaha. I bet Krystel is laughing at me as she reads this. Anyway, whatever, we say hello. This is turning into a novel of sorts.)

Back to what I was saying. Yes, I do believe I've found the homebase I was missing throughout first year. None of the few libraries I dared venture in offered what I was looking for. I didn't even know then what I wanted.

I think it's this: that I can walk into a space without raising any suspicion as to why I am there. Rather, concern, delight and best interests are what I meet when I walk through the office space doors. I have no problem making my way to the Centre, no struggle passing by when I have nowhere immediate to be. There are times when my feet just take me to 167 Augusta as I walk from work with a friend.

The K is where it's at for me.

to be continued, for sho.

1 comment:

Reese said...

Glad you're writing about how much the KPC is home for you!

Found you by accident through our RSS feed of blogs who link to us...

Why don't you join our blog as a guest blogger and write about WHATEVAH. We'd love an opinion of someone from the Clutch program... day to day journals.. whatever..

We can also link this blog to ours if you want. You know how to reach me. :D


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student.artiste.do-er.believer.let's go.