
I need to find suh'in
Suh'in to make me run
that makes me crazed
that I can't get enough of
that I'll work through broken bones for
I'll eat four hours later
Sleep never

Maybe I just need to find it again



L'heure est folle je le sais et je le pratique La vie est belle elle est douce est dure est beaucoup plus delaquelle que nous en demandons

J'ai de petits pieds fatigués Ils ont marche trop Dans des rues pleines des réponses qu'on ne cherchait pas Ils ont marché, couru au même vitesse que les coeurs battent.

Dans des villes des peuples qu'on ne savait pas

Mes petits pieds n'ont pas arretés
Ils continuent

~Sept 20/08

Just some random French Free Association Writing. Missing my French Practical course, so I thought I'd do something to make up for it.
October doesn't like me. I need a break, and I don't know where to get it, so I have to make up breaks, make up days off. I'm being a big baby. But I'm grown up most of the time, so it's ok, right?
End soon, October. Cos we don't get along.

Off to find some goodness in days full of that which is not!


entitle me not

So now I write, though no one will see, even if no one will read this. I simply write. Because. Because I can. Because I am able.

We barely understood, we lay mournful
Agitated Aggravated
Seekers of solace surrendering strength
To slip into Spring-like stupor

Finding few forgivable faults
From fears of faithful followers
To fix

We lay consumed
Intertwined into incomprehensible ideas
Inconsistent images of idyllic -isms
This was our world
Have we escaped?



You wouldn't understand me now Not now when it's been so, maybe too, long Absences harvest alienation What would it be like if we see each other vis-a-vis? Que se passera-t-il? How are you? How do you do? Who are you? I conjure episodes of me and you having a chat Just talking In my mind it's safe to have you there I can anticipate what's to come coz I'm making it up Can you read just how much you are missed? I am missing you and I write sad empty hopeful broken tired dreamed up words sending them out to the universe cos maybe you'll hear me.
Big deal.

v ou f?

Barely honest
Words mendacious
They spoke
Things unintentional
Things irrational
Inappropriately true
They told the stories
They had saved up
From pent up
Rage and fury
From years and times
Of unbearable
Out came streams
Of half-truths and
Untruths unworthy
Of thought


There is a reason for these phenomena.

About Me

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student.artiste.do-er.believer.let's go.